Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Totally "Grown-Up" Tuesday...

I am 24yrs old and there are still days that I wake up and ask myself, "Am I really living on my own? Am I really paying my own bills? Am I really a grown-up?" And shockingly enough, the answer is YES! The sad part is, no matter how old I get, I'm always worried that I'll still feel 18yrs old. I'll always hope Mom and Dad are going to be there to save the day when something goes wrong, and that money comes in as quickly as I can spend it. Unfortunatly that is not the case anymore. Believe it or not, I'm an adult and I need to embrace it.

Today is day 16 on my diet and exercise plan. I thought I was doing pretty good until I got light headed and had to stop exercising. I guess I've been pushing too hard. I just REALLY want to drop those last 4lbs this week. Heck, I'll even settle for the 2 to drop me down to 10lbs lost. I'm going to have to focus and keep pushing, but maybe dial it down a notch.

We got paid at work today and as quick as the money came in, it was gone. After bills and the pay cut that all the teachers took this month, its going to be a struggle to make ends meet. I'm glad Mom and Dad are going to be helping me this month. At least I'll have groceries and such.

Well it's getting late and I'm tired. I'll post again as soon as I can. Until then...this is Jana off to find another adventure...

~ Raspberry Cereal Bar

~ Turkey Sandwich with Mayo
~ 1 Pickle
~ Cheese Cube
~ Chocolate Chip Granola Bar

~ Pork Chop
~ 1 cup Brocolli/Cauliflower Combo w/ Cheese
~ Cheese Cube

Total Points: 18pts

~ None
~ 20 Minutes Bike
~ 5 Minutes Treadmill
~ 15 Minutes Eliptical
~ 10 Minutes Weight Training


Chandra said...

I love you lady.. take it easy and don't push yourself too hard. Everything comes together in due time we just have to take the time to let it happen. You're doing great! I wish I had half of the self motivation you possess. Just keep praying. :) Love you ttys


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